MagWLED-1 Web Installer
Select a firmware version
Standard WLED with MagWLED-1 default pin assignments. This is not yet the version MagWLED-1 comes preinstalled with, but will become the default if it proves stable over some time.
Standard WLED with MagWLED-1 default pin assignments. This is the same version of WLED that MagWLED-1 comes preinstalled with. For beta versions of WLED, go to the official WLED installer site.
Audio Reactive firmware based on MoonModules, which currently includes optimizations for much better performance on the ESP32-C3 chip. This leads to better framerates and smoother animations.
Audio Reactive WLED with MagWLED-1 default pin assignments.
Remember to enable the Auido Reactive Usermod in settings and restart after enabling it!!
Using a USB hub and having issues connecting to your controller? Try plugging it directly into your laptop / computer!